版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Make your smart phone smarter: tell it what to do under what situation.
This app is an event-driven Android automation app. It knows various events, and you, the user, could tell it what to do on what event (and even combine multiple events!).
We use analytics and research to quantify performance and improve our app. We don’t believe in building blind imitations that fail to achieve success, hence we worked hard on developing this unique implementation. We removed clutter, since we believe that making a application better often requires removing features.
We hate apps that perform good one day and the next everything is forgotten, hence we made sure that our application is durable and sustainable over time. Our smartphone application doesn’t ask for many permissions and you can learn more about our product by reading our privacy policy. UI can make or break your experience, ours was well thought of, to its finest details. Since we value simplicity, we aimed for the end user to have as few taps or clicks as possible.
Rich experience is important, yet we attain it while providing you with a secured product you can enjoy. No need to worry about how our product will run on your small screen phone, or extra-large one – we fit all sizes, smaller or bigger. Our application is very careful with wasting your device resources, hence it is suitable for a great variety with different characteristics.